I am really enjoying the new format for #wwdc20 and I hope Apple continues it beyond this pandemic era. The videos are very well produced, trimmed of all the fat, and I don’t have to wait all day to watch them. It’s been a great experience so far.
I am really enjoying the new format for #wwdc20 and I hope Apple continues it beyond this pandemic era. The videos are very well produced, trimmed of all the fat, and I don’t have to wait all day to watch them. It’s been a great experience so far.
I’m very excited for #WWDC this year. The day before is like Christmas Eve as a kid, anything is possible and the excitement reaches its apex. The actual event usually can’t possibly live up to the hype. But, there was that epic year when I got Chrono Trigger. So, 🤞.
Voting via mail-in ballot is so much better than going to a polling place. I was able to take my time and really review the candidates before finalizing my choices and no one was waiting to pounce on me, pushing an “example ballot” in my face. Everyone should have this option.
Joe Rogan’s podcast going exclusive on Spotify is a huge get for them and potentially a worrying sign for the overall podcast industry. Is a podcast still a podcast if it is only available on a single platform?
Those of us who can work from home and live alone are now all basically Sandra Bullock’s character from the beginning of The Net. We sit at our computers, order pizza from the Internet, get paid electronically, talk to people on our computers, and generally avoid all human contact. That movie was really prescient in some ways.